As part of the Paris Agreement, the UK committed to being net-zero by 2050.
In order to turn this vision into reality SMEs, who currently contribute almost a third of the UK’s
carbon emissions, will need to adapt their business operations to incorporate more sustainable
CMF Capital are already supporting our clients as they achieve their own Green objectives. Ian
Hamilton, our sustainability finance expert, is committed to helping SMEs fund their journey
towards reaching net-zero and working with lenders to power this move to a more sustainable
Fund Green
If your long term business objective is to become fully sustainable, or you’re in the early stages
of exploring your options, we have several specialist lenders who are ready to work with you
and support your goals.
You could benefit from Green finance if one or more of the following points apply:
● You’re looking to invest in sustainable technology & systems to improve your
● You want to become a low/zero-carbon business
● You participate in renewable, low/zero carbon or sustainable activities
● You sell sustainable products or services
● You are working on a green initiative
Green lenders
We work specifically with lenders who follow sustainable practices, who have specifically
tailored solutions and are looking to fund businesses who are working towards becoming
low/zero carbon. We’re working closely with lenders and clients to scale their businesses whilst
providing access to various green funding options that will enable you to get closer to reaching
your net-zero goals.

If you would like to discuss how your company can reduce your carbon footprint and save money in the process, contact our sustainability expert Ian Hamilton on 01252 302183
Increase Profit With Green Initiatives In 2021